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From: fdc@columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Subject: Re: File transfer to Acramatic 850 CNC machine controller
Date: 6 Jun 2000 00:23:33 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
Message-ID: <8hhga5$86u$1@newsmaster.cc.columbia.edu>
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
In article <8hhcm2$rbo$1@nnrp1.deja.com>,
thoma <thomas.theakanath@smith-nephew.com> wrote:
: I have this machine controller (Milacron Acramatic 850) compatible with
: Kermit for file transfer. The current file transfer system on VMS works
: fine. Currently, we are trying to add this machine to a web based DNC
: system, using a terminal server that talks TCP/IP and connected to
: Intranet.
: A serial connection runs from the terminal server to the machine
: controller. I can send files to the terminal server, but the data don't
: get to the machine controller.
The method is described in the C-Kermit manual:
Briefly, you would use C-Kermit to make TCP/IP Telnet connection to
the appropriate TCP port on the terminal server, which must be configured
(in the terminal server) to give you a "nailed" connection to the desired
serial port. Something like this:
telnet termservername 2003
(where 2003 is the TCP port number) and from that point, everything should
work pretty much as it did before you interposed the terminal server.
- Frank
From news@columbia.edu Mon Jun 5 20:38:49 2000
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From: fdc@columbia.edu (Frank da Cruz)
Subject: Re: Transfer text files without a protocol
Date: 6 Jun 2000 00:16:31 GMT
Organization: Columbia University
Message-ID: <8hhfsv$7tc$1@newsmaster.cc.columbia.edu>
To: kermit.misc@columbia.edu
In article <8hh9am$p1n$1@nnrp1.deja.com>,
Mr. Scott <scott_davis@my-deja.com> wrote:
: Please excuse the extreme stupidity here, but I've spent the good part
: of today trying to write a script that will download and upload text
: files to a Unix system without using a protocol (because there is no
: kermit on the other end). I have failed and I am tired. I've read the
: chapter about "Transferring files without a protocol" which hints that
: this can be scripted using commands like "LOG SESSION", etc. Does
: someone have a handy script that will "put" or "get" a plain text file
: (without ANY extraneous characters), given a filename?
PUT and GET are two different things. PUT is easy:
. Use OUTPUT commands to send commands to the other computer which
tell it to copy incoming text to a file.
. Use the TRANSMIT command to send the file.
. Use an OUTPUT command to send whatever magic sequence (such as Ctrl-D)
is required to terminate copying incoming text to the file on the
remote computer.
Capturing a remote file is trickier if you don't want to also collect
any extraneous prompts, etc. Starting the capture is easy. Let's say
the command for displaying a text file on the remote computer is "type".
So use the OUTPUT command send the appropriate command to the remote
computer, but *without the carriage return*, then use INPUT to soak up
the echo, then start the session log, then send the carriage return:
output type foo.bar
input 5 foo.bar
log session foo.bar
output \13
OK, fine, now what? The trick is knowing when it's finished. Let's say
the remote computer's prompt is "$ " on the left margin. If you give an
INPUT command for this, with a sufficiently long timeout interval, Kermit
reads characters from the port and copies them to the session log until
it sees the input target, so:
input 600 {\13\10$ }
That is, read stuff from the connection for up to 600 seconds, scanning
for carriage return (\13), linefeed (\10), dollar sign, and space. Then:
close session
Now all you've captured the remote file on your local disk, with just a
little bit of extraneous characters. That's about the best you can do
without a protocol, or unless you know a better stopping criterion.
Like, for example, if the last line of the file is always "THE END",
then you can INPUT that, and avoid the extraneous at the end.
- Frank